Nagente etiologico del dengue pdf

Dengue is believed to infect 50 to 100 million people worldwide in a year. This disease used to be called breakbone fever because it sometimes causes severe joint and muscle pain that feels like bones are breaking. A global strategy on dengue fever and dhf was developed in 1995 and its implementation was bolstered in 1999. Agente etiologico o virus da dengue e um arbovirus do genero flavivirus, pertencente a familia flaviviridae.

Etiologia, patogenese e suas implicacoes a nivel global. A palavra dengue tem origem espanhola e quer dizer melindre, manha. Dengue fever is a virus transmitted to humans through bites from the aedes mosquito, a daybiting mosquito. Entradas sobre etiologia del zika escritas por khajine. Dengue fever is common in tropical areas, so take extra precautions if you travel somewhere with this type of climate. Nas americas, a especie aedes aegypti e a responsavel pela transmissao da dengue. Al hacer una busqueda bibliografica rapida en scholar. Exposicion al agente, vulnerabilidad y resistencia. Clasificacion, diagnostico y tratamiento integral del dengue.

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